Flowers & Ground Cover
Watkinsville, GA
Please note: Nation wide shipping is available, give us a call today (706) 769-2712.

Check Out Our Flowers & Ground Cover
Transform your outdoor space into a blooming paradise with the exquisite flowers and ground cover department here at Athens Seed Lawn and Garden. Immerse yourself in a world of vibrant colors and lush greenery as you explore our wide selection of flowers, shrubs, and ground covers. Whether you're looking to create a fragrant floral oasis or want to enhance your garden's beauty and sustainability with ground cover options, we've got you covered. Simply stop by or give s a call today to discover a kaleidoscope of possibilities to elevate your garden's aesthetic appeal while ensuring it remains low-maintenance and resilient.
California Native Orange Poppies with Organic Rice Hulls 2.3 oz.
Heirloom Rainbow Flowers Colorful, Carefree Zinnias 2.3 oz.
California Giant Zinnias 
Southeast Wildflower Mix
1/2#-$14.00, 1#-$25.00, 5#-$105.00
Baby Blue Eyes, Crimson Clover, Bachelor Buttons, Lance Leaf Coreopsis,
Perennial Gaillardia, Evening Primrose, Corn Poppy, Black Eyed Susan, California
Poppy, Plains Coreopsis, Annual Gaillardia, Rocket Larkspur, Lemon Mint, White

Renee Scatter Cans - $15.95
Colorful and Carefree Wildflowers 2.3 oz.
Candytuft, Baby Blue Eyes, Five Spot, Chinese Houses, African Daisy, California Poppy, California Blue Bell, Shirley Poppy, Birds Eyes, Dwarf Godetia, Clarkia, Globe Gilia

Flower Power for Nature's Pollinators 2.3 oz.
Chinese Forget Me Nots, Baby Blue Eyes, Single Chinese Aster, Corn Flowers "Polka Dot Mix", Shirley Poppy, Sweet Mignonette, Tidy Tips, Virginia Stock, Creeping Daisy, Clarkia, Globe Gilia, Lemon Mint, California Blue Bell, Lacy Phacelia, Tall White Alyssum, Plains Coreopsis

Endless Bouquets Cut Flower Garden 2.3 oz.
Calendula, Chinese Forget Me Nots, Baby's Breath, Bachelor Buttons, Cosmos, African Daisy, Alyssum Tall, Black-Eyed Susan, Candytuft, Zinnia, Clarkia, Larkspur, Marigolds, Plains Coreopsis, Shirley Poppy, Annual Gallardia, Catchfly, Godetia, Poppy, Sunflower, California Bluebell, Evening Primrose, Lavatera, Strawflower
Individual seed packets

Livingston Sunflower Seeds - Small Individual Packets ($2.99)
- Autumn Beauty Dwarf Sunspot
- Mammoth Russian Dwarf Incredible
- Italian White Lemon Leopold
- Little Dorrit F-1 Hybrid Magic Roundabout
- Moonshadow Orange Mahogany Bi-Color F-1
- Paquito Colorado Ruby Eclipse
- Solar Power F-1 Stella
- Summertime Mix F-1 Teddy Bear
- Topolino Velvet Queen

Renee Small Individual Packets - $2.99
"Heirloom Torch" Tithonia
"Heirloom Signet Starfire" Marigolds
"Azure Bluebirds" Forget Me Nots
"Little Ladybirds" Cosmos
"Flashback" Calendula
"Blue Ribbon Bouquet" Zinnia
"Cha-Cha-Cha" Zinnia
"Cut and Come Again" Zinnia

Renee Small Individual Packets - $3.39 & Up
"Sun Samba" Sunflower
"Cinnamon Sun" Sunflower
"Sunzilla" Giant Sunflower
"Spinning Wheels" Marigolds
"Double Click" Cosmos
"Dancing Petticoats" Cosmos
"Orange and Lemon Twist" Calendula
"Bling Bling" Zinnias
"Raspberry Sorbet" Zinnia
"Thumbelina Mix" Zinnia
"Garnet Star" Sunflower
"Cappuccino" Rudbeckia
"Paintbox Bouquet" Sunflower